2010년 12월 15일 수요일

Suncheon City and The Korea Arboretum-Botanical Garden Association - - Cooperation Agreement for Garden Exposition Suncheon Bay Korea 2013

순천시와 한국식물원수목원협회는 11월 19일 시청 소회의실에서 정원박람회 성공을 위한 협약을 체결하였다.
On November 19th 2010, Suncheon City and the Korea Arboretum • Botanical Garden Association signed an agreement for a joined venture to support the success of the International Garden Expo Suncheon Bay Korea 2013.

이날 협약식에는 제주도 여미지 식물원 대표를 비롯 천리포 수목원, 한택식물원 등 국내를 대표하는 수목원과 식물원 관계자들이 참석했다.
Around 20 experts attended the ceremony, including representatives of YeoMiJi Botanical Garden on Jeju Island, Cheollipo Botanical Garden, Hantaek Botanical Garden, and other botanical gardens of Korea.

순천시와 한국식물원수목원협회는 협약 내용에서 2013순천만국제정원박람회의 성공적 개최와 국내외 다양한 식물자원의 체계적 수집, 전시 및 지속 가능한 이용과 자연환경, 식물자원의 이용 및 새로운 정원문화를 창달할 수 있도록 함께 공동으로 노력할 것을 담고 있다.
According to this agreement, the two entities will work jointly in the collection of various plant resources, the creation of a garden culture, and the use of the natural environment and plant resources that relates to the Garden Expo 2013.

이 협약을 계기로 순천시는 2013순천만국제정원박람회에 수목•식물원 전문가들의 노하우와 경험이 더해지면 많은 효과를 거둘 것으로 기대하고 있다.
The cooperation of Suncheon City and the Korea Arboretum • Botanical Garden Association is set out to affect the EXPO with the know-how and experience of arboretum and botanical garden experts.

한편, 사단법인 한국식물원수목원협회는 지난 1989년 설립하여 현재 65개의 회원 업체와 432명의 회원을 확보하고 있으며, 118개국이 가입된 국제식물원연맹에서 활발한 활동을 하고 있다.
The Korea Arboretum • Botanical Garden Association was founded in 1989 and has 65 member companies and 432 members. The association joined the International Botanic Garden Network of which 118 other countries have membership too.

2010년 12월 8일 수요일

Suncheon City – Awarded as One of the Best Livable Cities in the World

순천시가 2010년 11월 9일 유엔환경계획(UNEP)에서 공인하는 2010리브컴 어워즈에서 ‘세계에서 살기 좋은 도시’로 선정되어 세계적인 도시들을 제치고 은상을 수상했다.
On November 9th 2010, Suncheon was awarded as one of the best livable cities in the world and won a Silver Prize competing with other countries at the 2010 LivCom Awards, organized and hosted by UNEP (United Nations Environment Program)

리브컴 어워즈(LivCom Awards) 는 유엔환경계획(UNEP)이 지구 환경 보호에 기여하고 살기 좋은 지역사회를 건설한 도시를 대상으로 수여하는 세계 최고 권위의 상이다.
The LivCom Awards is one of the world`s most prestigious awards granted by the UNEP. These awards are allocated to cities that contribute in the protection of the environment and building of high quality, livable communities.

리브컴 어워즈는 도시상, 환경보호 프로젝트상, 버저리상 등 3가지로 구분되며 이 중 순천시는 도시상을 수상했다.
The LivCom Awards consists 3 categories namely 1) Whole City Award, 2) Sustainable Projects Award, and 3) Bursary Award. Suncheon won silver in the Whole City Category D.

순천시는 동천의 보전과 우리나라 최초의 녹색 박람회인 ‘2013순천만국제정원박람회’ 유치 추진 등에 대해 높게 평가 받았다.
Suncheon received high ratings from the judges based on its efforts in the conservation of East River and in securing the hosting of the International Garden Exposition Suncheon Bay Korea 2013.

앞으로 순천시는 순천만국제정원박람회를 성공적으로 준비해 도시 미래가 어떻게 바뀌어가는지를 보여주는 세계 속 롤 모델이 될 것이다.
Suncheon will soon be recognized as a ‘green-city’ role model. The International Suncheon Garden Expo 2013 will display further changes in transforming Suncheon in achieving this status.

2010년 7월 22일 목요일

2010년 7월 12일 월요일



Suncheon City: The 2013 Garden Expo Team

Located in the southern part of South Korea, Suncheon City is a small-sized urban-rural city with a population of 270,000. The city is spread over an area of 907㎢ of which 70% is mountainous.
It is a popular place for living as it offers spectacular nature (mountains, fields, lakes and the sea) It also offers a vast array of local products.

As an eco-city, Suncheon is blessed with three rivers, the Dongcheon, Okcheon and Isacheon, all three are running through the downtown area.
Suncheon Bay (a protected wetland area just outside the city) is accredited as one of the world's five shore-wetlands. In 2006 it was registered with the Ramsar Convention and became a first for South Korea. Within Korea it was designated as 'Beautiful National Site No.41.'
On October 26, 2008 Suncheon hosted the Ramsar International NGO Conference. More than 150 people from 50 different countries participated.

Suncheon Bay is seen as a natural-ecosystem-treasure. It’s a region formed by a field of reeds that reaches out for more than 21㎢ into the wide foreshore of Korea’s South Sea. It hosts 200 kinds of birds and 120 different species of salt plants. It’s also home to a big variety of fish and shellfish.

Suncheon Bay is a very popular eco tourism destination. As much as 2,600,000 people visit the Bay every year.
Suncheon’s goals are to transform itself into the Ecological Capital of Korea and to be ranked as one of the best green city of the world. To be able to do this the City set clear goals to preserve Suncheon Bay as a natural heritage for future generations.

The City also decided to host the International Garden Expo in 2013. This Expo will focus on green industry development such as solar energy, sustainable garden development and electronic transportation. It hopes that through the Garden Expo it can transform Suncheon Bay from a local tourist attraction into an international, world-class, tourist destination. This, the city hopes will result in an increase of available job opportunities for local women and senior citizens.
The Garden Expo will be held over a period of six months, starting April 20, 2013 and finish on October 20, 2013.

Suncheon is also setting out to enhance the quality of life for its citizens. It started to implement Carbon Level Monitoring Systems so that citizens can benefit from reduced city carbon levels.
Every school in the city, from primary to high school, has started a 1-hour environmental awareness class per week, and on Saturdays, organic flea markets are held in the downtown area. The city is currently in process of developing four huge public parks. This will include the area set aside for the Garden Expo.

As a prominent area of the South Coast of Korea, Suncheon’s goal is to maintain a pleasant urban environment that will correspond positively to climate change caused by global warming. The city seeks to establish sustainable, economic progress by enhancing the skills and abilities of all its citizens. This means the development of progressive health policies, first class global-education, and a supportive, convenient residential environment.

Please join me, and the citizens of Suncheon to step into our ‘garden.’ Together we can make it one of the best ‘green’ places on the planet.

2010년 7월 7일 수요일

2010년 5월 19일 수요일

순천 정원박람회 외국인 서포터즈 위촉식 : Appointment Ceremony - Foreigner Representative

순천시가 17일 2013순천만국제정원박람회의 해외홍보를 위해 지역내 거주 외국인 20명을 서포터즈로 위촉했다.
On May 17th, 2010, the City Hall hosted a Foreigner-Representative Appointment Ceremony. The objective is to ensure support in the International promotion of the 2013 Suncheon Bay Garden Expo.

이번에 위촉한 서포터즈는 정원박람회에 관심이 많고 적극적인 외국인들로 영국,스페인,중국,남아프리카 공화국, 필리핀 등 8개국 출신의 원어민 강사, 유학생, 회사원 등 20명으로 구성됐다.
The foreigner representative group consists of 20 individuals (English teachers, students, house wives, etc) from 8 different countries, including England, Spain, China, South Africa, Canada, the Philippines, Vietnam and Taiwan.

무보수 명예직으로 위촉된 서포터즈는 국내 외국인 및 자국의 기관․ 단체와 친인척을 대상으로 홍보하고 국제행사시 자원봉사와 인터넷 블로그 운영 등 정원박람회의 홍보 관련 다양한 활동을 펼치게 된다.
These representatives volunteered to promote the 2013 Suncheon Bay Garden Expo to foreigner communities currently residing in Korea. They will also address an International audience. Direct communication via Internet will be used. The representatives will also act as Interpreters during International events, related to the EXPO, and planned to be hosted in Suncheon.

한편, 순천시는 앞으로 매월 1회 이상 서포터즈 정기 모임을 갖고 정원박람회장 부지와 순천만에서 현장 교육을 실시하여 외국인 서포터즈들이 정원박람회를 충분히 이해함으로써 해외 홍보에 앞장설 수 있도록 하고, 또한, 다양한 해외 인적네트워크를 형성하여 단계적으로 해외홍보를 확대해 나갈 방침이라고 밝혔다.
The Garden Expo Team is planning to organize monthly meetings with the group and a field trip to the proclaimed Garden Expo site is planned for the near future. This will provide the representatives with enough understanding and insight about the Garden Expo. Additionally it’s hoped for the representatives to form a support network that will combine its efforts in various international promotion activities for the 2013 Suncheon Bay Garden Expo.